We know ships
We know sails
We know the sea

About Us

Ajun Shipping and Tanker Management was founded on 1999.

The Company’s ship M/T Feyza Nur delivers bunker to all Istanbul, Izmit, Marmara Sea, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea Ports of Turkey.

Bunker deliveries are managed professionally under Ajun Shipping’s control.

Ajun Shipping is one of the most qualified physical bunker carrier with more than 20 years experience and over 80,000 average bunker supplies per a year in Turkey.

Our Approach

  • Optimizing operational safety and improving safety management skills of personnel ashore and onboard ship, including training for emergencies related both to safety and environmental protection.

  • Providing high quality maintenance of vessel.

  • Complying with all current environmental regulations.

  • Maximizing utilisation of the vessel.

  • Achieving competitive financing arrangements.